
Friday 20 March 2015

Profitable Email Marketing Strategy

Internet marketing covers a wide variety of areas.  From website design to search engine optimization, on-line marketing is necessary to have a successful business on the internet.  One of the most important aspects is to having a solid email marketing strategy.

Perhaps you are already carrying out some email marketing.  If so, then you are way ahead of all of those businesses who don't.  Whether you do it now or not, having an effective email marketing strategy is absolutely vital to your business reaching its full profit potential.

Email is one of the most basic things computer users use on a regular basis.  This means that even if they don't do much else, most users, at least know how to check their email.   In most cases people have only connected to the internet, just so they can send and receive email.  Being able to tap into that is the key to internet marketing.

So, the question then becomes, what makes a successful email marketing strategy.  In short, it's about getting peoples agreement, to receive messages from you on a regular basis.  The reason that this is so important is that it gives you a captive audience to market to repeatedly.  The people on your email list don't have to remember to visit your website to check if you are running a special offer.  Nope. All they need to do is see your message waiting for them in their in-box and follow the link provided to any offers that you are currently promoting.

At the very least, you should obtain the email address of everybody that buys from you on-line, and the easiest method of doing that is to make it a part of the purchasing process.  Current customers tend to make up the most responsive lists for future mailings.  They have already bought from you, so they are more likely to buy from you again, assuming you have met all their expectations.

However, we all know that not all visitors to your site are going to buy something on the first visit.  In fact, it's safe to say that the vast majority of them won't buy anything at all when they visit your page.  That's just the way the law of averages works out.  But does that mean you should just let them go and hope they come back in a buying mood some other time?  Of course not!  And that's the other way an email marketing strategy can improve the bottom line of your business.

You should always try to give non-buyers a reason to sign up for your email list too.  Just because they weren't ready to buy this time, it doesn't mean they won't be ready the next time you send out a mailing to them.
Note: Place these people on a separate list until you convert them to buyers.

Finally, remember that every mailing that you send out should be providing value of some kind.  You can send out informational pieces that relate to your product, or you can send out sales pieces.  But offering value is absolutely necessary to having an effective email marketing strategy.

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