
Sunday 4 January 2015

Business Automation with Autoresponders

Automation is important to all businesses.  The less time we have to spend doing small tasks, the more time we have to make more money or spend that time doing something besides working.  Putting an on-line business on auto pilot isn't difficult at all and it can all be done with the use of an auto-responder!

Auto-responders can be used to get people to your website, or to promote products and services.  Simply plug your sales message into the auto-responder, along with some valuable information that your potential customers may want or need, and advertise that auto-responders address.

Once the person arrives at your site, and goes through your ordering process, your auto-responder kicks in.  The auto-responder should send out a receipt, as well as information that will grant the customer access to whatever it is that they have purchased.  Another auto-responder message should be sent out after this, thanking the customer for their business, and letting them know about similar or related products or services that they may be interested in.

The beauty of this is that while all of this ordering is going on, and these important customer service emails are being sent, you can be off doing something else!

The more automation you can integrate into your on-line business, the better off
you will be.

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